• Welcome to Dum Dum Karate & Yoga Academy
  • Connected With Us
  • 192, Vivekananda Road Matkal Panchabati Tala,
    Kolkata - 700065, West Bengal
  • Call Us Now+91 9830355608,
    +91 9830355603
  • Send Us Emailsujatamukherjeeroy@gmail.com
  • We Are here to help you
    Best performer of the country
  • Satisfaction Guranteed
    Let's make something great together

Welcome To Dum Dum Karate-Do Academy

Lock in the same affordable session, from the first class of your joining to your last.

Physical Fitness

Karate provides you with a complete program in physical conditioning. Our exercises are safe, effective, and tailored to your individual needs. Karate training utilizes virtually every muscle in your body. You notice new power and stamina as your entire body. Karate develops flexibility and coordination. Our progressive stretching exercises will help you to develop and maintain a flexible. Tightness and stiffness in the muscles and joints will disappear. Maintaining a limber, flexible body is an important ingredient in looking and feeling young.


True karate develops both the mind and the body. Meditation is a time-proven method for developing a calm, focused mind. Through our meditation program, you will achieve the ability to concentrate more fully and think more clearly. Meditation is incorporated into every class. In addition, we have separate classes that focus on strengthing & improving your meditation skills. Our meditation, combined with our karate training develops a quality of non-quitting spirit. It is a special kind of self-discipline that can be applied to every aspect of one's life.


Karate is one of the most effective and efficient forms of self-defense available. You learn to use your entire body as a weapon, developing the ability to defend yourself against assailants much larger and stronger than yourself. Hand, elbow, knee, and foot techniques are taught based on their effectiveness and practical application in street situations. Men and women, old and young, have all found Karate to be a practical solution to the dangers of increasing crime and violence. In today's society, your safety is your personal responsibility.

Why Dum Dum Karate-Do Academy?

We are the risers. The ones who know that if we want it, we have to go out and get it. We give blood, sweat, and sometimes tears. We are sculpted by adversity. We are made from desire and a dream, but we leave nothing up to fate. We have the skill, and we have the will. And we will not let ourselves be ignored.
  • Physical Fitness

    Global Skotokan Karate is a physical endeavor. As such, participants can expect to receive an intense physical workout....

  • Self Defence

    Global Shotokan Karate has influenced many of the "full-contact" schools of karate, emphasizing realistic combat...

  • Optimize Health

    Optimze your health with a karate from our expert masters. We teach the standard Global Shotokan syllabus, we invite you to discover yourself in the Global Shotokan Way...

Our Mentors

We are guided by established and qualified professional in the field who are well know globally.
Soke Koichi Yamamura
Soke Koichi Yamamura
Grand Master
9th dan black belt (JKF) Japan
Renshi Paramjeet S. Singh
Chief Technical Director of India
8th dan black belt (JKF) Japan
Shihan Tarak Nath Sardar
Chief Instructor & Examinor of West Bengal
6th dan black belt (JKF) Japan

Our Dojo's

GSKAI Dojo in your reach with flexible classes designed to fit your needs. The dojo's of GSKAI in your reach with professional and highly qualified instructors to fit your requirement. We’re also dedicated to helping working adults.
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Our Programs

Our mission is to provide the highest quality martial arts instruction and training in practical self-protection to every student in a disciplined, realistic, safe, and enjoyable manner in order to help the student develop founded confidence and maximize their potential in all areas of life.

Class for Kids

Help your child or teen develop essential skills that they can apply to all areas of life and discover the amazing benefits they will experience in all aspects of their lives!

Class for Women

Our women’s safety program has 4 classes – basic, intermediate, advanced and expert – to be taken consecutively depending on the dangers you face. For example, a girl who works in a day shift in a mall may need only the basic girl’s self defense class. A woman who works in a distant high crime area in a night shift may need the expert women’s safety class.

Self Defence

Our self defense programs focus on attack simulations. For each simulation we teach you a few simple, yet deadly, responses. Then we measure your response times during a scenario. We coach you to improve your response times till it is optimum to ensure your personal safety. No complicated techniques, fancy moves, high kicks, or Bollywood-style action; only moves to achieve women’s safety efficiently and effectively.

Wepons Training

Weapons training is designed specifically for the serious student, age 8 to adult, who has the talent, desire and ability to train at a higher level. Premier Weapons Club students are trained in a comprehensive weapons program that includes your choice of nine different weapons with specialized training once each week outside regular martial arts class. Weapons include: Cane, Sai, Kama, Tonfa, Bo, Fan, Nunchaku, Sword, Arnis and Self Defense.

School Project

We are associated with multiple schools to impart training.

Copropate Safety Training

It takes sensitivity, determination, and a strong sense of conviction within an enterprise to empower women. Very few, proud, and exceptional organizations take the right steps towards women's safety. You would be surprised how much positive difference our program can bring to the morale and productivity of your enterprise.